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The french chick in the USA

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The french chick in the USA


Lauren (brasil) and me katie, lauren, kim and me me and Kia all of the girls ... the boys...

Lauren (brasil) and me
Lauren (brasil) and me 
this is some pics that we took for winter karnival, it's a dance where girls have to invite boys (BUT I DIDNT!)


crazy time with the exchange students

Markus (sweden) shabana sorry i moved when i took it..

Markus (sweden)
Markus (sweden) 
this friday we had a "party" at nancy's house for the opening of the winter olympics!


hanging out with shabana and lauren (brasil)

I rock don't you think? shabana the gangsta lauren a good mood we are scary...take care... i climb the stairs

I rock don't you think?
I rock don't you think? 
today was soooo much fun with shabu and lauren, we ate a lot, talk and we were just being crasy as usual!check the pics and you will see!


my host family for a night!

mitch doing pan cakes for us host mother

mitch doing pan cakes for us
mitch doing pan cakes for us 

with Sandra we were at Chelsea's house, she is 17 and next year she is gonna be in FRANCE


some examples

Heira (mexico) me he is teaching me team spirit i tought it was the block in the target?

Heira (mexico)
Heira (mexico) 


Minibluff the card game
